Anyway, I've been so influenced by all the Web recruiting blogs I've been reading, and all the higher ed recruiting and enrollment people I've been interacting with online lately, that I could only think of one question to ask her. And it sounded really weird and out of place in that environment.
I'm supposed to be a techie, dammit! I curse all you recruiting and marketing types who have infected me with your twisted way of seeing the world!!

OK, so this isn't the funniest cartoon ever written, but it really happened.
haha... It might not be your funniest cartoon ever but i liked it. Reminds me of some of the things that happen where i work... It's things like that that brighten people's days... Well im off... (i saw that no one had commented and wanted to drop a note). Keep on...
Love the post and the cartoon.
You know there's nothing better than cyclopean afro-wearing mouthy sumbitches.
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