It's been a rough day, maybe you can draw inspiration:
internal client: Our site is ugly and inefficient...Can you help us make our site more user-friendly? Can you post this information? me: Sure! *re-designs site in uber-user-friendly way* internal client: This won't work, the old content needs to look exactly like the old site, and the new content needs to look exactly like the PDF. The old site and PDF were approved by committees. me: ... I changed it because the old versions didn't work and were ambiguous. No one will understand the information if I post it that way. internal client: Yeah, ok, it just needs to look exactly like it did there, so let me know when you've done that. me: ... (deletes beautifully designed site and copies and pastes from PDF and old site) internal client: Perfect! You're great!
Despite the fact that some characters and events may bear an uncanny resemblance to real people and events, any resemblance to real persons or events, living or dead is purely coincidental. Intended for entertainment purposes only. Do not take seriously. Please consult a doctor before taking if you suffer from hypofacetia.
But it would be built with a broad base of synergistic integrity knowledge...and stuff.
No. They would be planning to build it as soon as the application for a government grant came through.
oh man this is priceless
So...the moral of the story is to move ahead with the project on your own before the Klingons kill us all.
I like it.
Ah yes, too true. And yet, it might be equally amusing to see what a university run by Captain Kirk might look like...
So long as we're not the "red shirts" who meet an untimely end before the first commercial break!
It's been a rough day, maybe you can draw inspiration:
internal client: Our site is ugly and inefficient...Can you help us make our site more user-friendly? Can you post this information?
me: Sure! *re-designs site in uber-user-friendly way*
internal client: This won't work, the old content needs to look exactly like the old site, and the new content needs to look exactly like the PDF. The old site and PDF were approved by committees.
me: ... I changed it because the old versions didn't work and were ambiguous. No one will understand the information if I post it that way.
internal client: Yeah, ok, it just needs to look exactly like it did there, so let me know when you've done that.
me: ... (deletes beautifully designed site and copies and pastes from PDF and old site)
internal client: Perfect! You're great!
Though must not show initiative!
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