I can't make this stuff up, and I can't tell a lie. This actually happened. I did this.
Learn from my experience. Don't be like me. Don't accidentally publish test pages meant for the dev server to the live web server.
This has been a public service announcement.
Ouch. So in a past life when I was working for a software company, I was on a client's server and accidentally changed the permissions on every file in /bin instead of /mycompanysoftware/bin. Then I went to lunch. Came back an hour later to a very angry IT guy, who had had to go get the /bin from another client's server and overwrite the original. Ah the joys of interning.
As a developer, I once created an app with boilerplate text for an automated email that the designers and content editors were supposed to later change; text of an animal husbandry nature...
Of course they forgot about it...until the first post-launch client forwarded the email back to customer service. Only reason I still had a job is cause the client was amused. ack! The Internet sees all...lesson learned.
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